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When am I to water following an application?

Wait a minimum of 4 hours before watering.  This will allow adequate dry time for the weed control to take effect.  If it does not rain on the day of the application, please water the following day in order to wash the fertilizer down into the soil.  Ideally, you should water the morning following an application.  Soil should be soaked to a depth of 4 to 6 inches.  There is no dry time needed for organic-based or 100% organic fertilizer applications, as they do not contain weed control.  These products can be watered in at any time. 

When can I mow following an application?

Do not mow the treated areas before watering in the fertilizer thoroughly.  When mowing, do not cut off more than 1/3 of the grass blade.  Leave grass clippings when mowing.  Set your mower height to 3" and mow frequently with a sharpened blade.

How long must I wait before children and pets can be on the grass following an application?

Please keep children and pets off of the treated areas until dry, which is typically about 4 hours.  You may remove the flags when the lawn is dry.

How does the fertilizer and herbicide effect the environment?

We take great pride in providing a consistent and exact mixture of ingredients in our weed and feed mix, which has been custom tailored to meet the nutritional needs of the local soil. We also maintain consistent application rates, delivering only the proper amounts that can be fully utilized by the soil in one application. This is highly effective in preventing any waste or run-off from occurring. These practices insure that turf areas treated receive precisely the right amount of our products to produce desired results. In 2016, soil testing was performed on one of the local city parks that has consistently received our Pro-Lawn Weed & Feed applications on a bi-annual basis, compared to that of another park receiving organic treatments only.  The results determined that the soil culture and health of the park receiving Pro-Lawn Weed & Feed treatments was superior to the park receiving organic care.   See our safety page on the website for more info on product saftey.


Is glyphosate harmful to me or the environment?

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in RoundUp non-selective herbicides, which is used to control weeds and grass in non-turf areas such as rocks, pavement and mulch.  In April 2019, the EPA released the Glyphosate Proposed Interim Decision and supporting documents on glyphosate, in part, about the agency's findings on human health risks.  "The EPA thoroughly assessed risks to humans from exposure to glyphosate from all registered uses and all routes of exposure and did not identify any risks of concern," the review said.  "The agency also concluded that there are no residential, nonoccupational bystander, aggregate or occupational risks of concern  The EPA has not made a common mechanism of toxicity to humans finding as to glyphosate and any other substance, and it does not appear to produce a toxic metabolite produced by other substances.  Therefore, it was not appropriate for EPA to assess cumulative risks." 


As part of this action, EPA continues to find that there are no risks to public health when glyphosate is used in accordance with its current label and that glyphosate is not a carcinogen.  In fact, Roundup is an effective tool to help contain the spread of noxious weeds.  There are several articles on the subject. Below is a link:


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